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Integrated solutions for Multimodal Shipment System

Efficient Multimodal Shipping Services in India, Nepal and other SAARC countries

Solutions For Faster Multimodal Shipment Globally

Cost-Effective Customized Multimodal Freight Services

Facilitating faster and cost-effective multimodal shipment, multimodal transport, and multimodal transportation services of the Sugam Group are directed towards providing businesses with viable options for their Multimodal Shipping requirements. We offer flexible solutions that combine rail, air, sea, and land transport modes to give clients the convenience of shipping across distances, around the world. And Because of this we are the best Multimodal Transport Operators in India.

  • Wide network coverage within India and around the world for all major destinations
  • Dedicated fleet of GPS-enabled vehicles
  • Expansive network for air cargo services across ASIA including countries such as China, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and the Middle East.
  • All major land and rail routes are covered within India and in the SAARC region.
GPS Enabled Trucks
Packages Delivered Per Hour
Road Freight Delivered Per Month

Modes Of Transportation

Take Your Business Places With Sugam’s Multi-Modal Services Across Modes

Road ( Full truck load services )

Helping you go places with widest land transport network

Covering a wide network of land routes in India and the SAARC region, Sugam Group offers Best truck transport services in india to clients in various industries. Clients can choose from flexible transportation truck services including FTL, LTL, and ODL according to their shipping requirements which serves as a cost-effective means for transportation.

If you are looking for express shipment via road we can help you by prioritizing your cargo.

Service Offerings:
  • All major land routes across India and SAARC region covered 
  • Dedicated fleet for cargo delivery
  • FTL, LTL and ODL flexibility for shipping
  • Customs clearance for border transport and exports

Flexible Solutions For Truck Load Services

The experts at Sugam will help you choose the most viable option for your shipping requirements:

Full Truck Load Service

Full Truck Load Services (FTL)

Bulk volume shipments and high-risk shipments are suited for transport via Full Truck load services.

Less than truck load service

Less than Truck Load (LTL)

Less than Truck Load solutions are apt for when you wish to send half or partial loads across distances.

Over Dimensional cargo

Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC)

For your bulk and heavy equipment and machinery which does not fit standardized shipment norms, Sugam offers Out-Dimensional Load logistics.

Rail Transportation Services

Take advantage of the world’s fourth largest network to ship your goods

The Sugam Group specializes in multi-modal shipping over the rail. With access to a wide railway network that reaches the far corners of India, Sugam ensures your cargo is delivered where you want it to be. Transport your bulk shipments across the length and breadth of the country with Sugam’s rail transportation service facility for rail container shipping for all industries.

If you are looking for express shipment via road we can help you by prioritizing your cargo

Service Offerings:
  • Shipment of bulk and light cargo across India’s wide railway network
  • Collection, Preliminary Transport and Packaging with Warehousing
  • Widest network for shipment by rail to interiors of NE India

Air Freight Service

Faster shipping for your cargo to anywhere in the world

For time-sensitive deliveries, choose air freight transport solutions from Sugam. Whether it is a small package or full load, Sugam will ensure your cargo reaches the destination secure and in the committed delivery time.

Transport your cargo in express mode using air freight service from Sugam. Choose from flexible solutions with Sugam’s bespoke transport models using direct airway or multi-modal services.

Service Offerings:
  • Excellent distribution network that covers the globe
  • Express and cargo modes available along with multi-modal options
  • Door-to-door pickup and delivery services
  • Packaging, invoicing and inventory management
  • Widest association with reliable partners for timely delivery

Ship Transportation

Send your shipment across water through major port networks

Take advantage of Sugam’s facility for ship transportation to send heavy volume cargo anywhere in the world at cost-effective rates. Customs clearance services are made available to clients at all major ports for international trading. Also, avail our warehousing infrastructure which is part of our end-to-end supply chain network.

Service Offerings:
  • Freight shipping from and to all major ports
  • Cost-effective ship transportation solutions 
  • Packaging, invoicing, warehousing
  • Tax compliance and document clearance for customs

How We Do Things

The Sugam Approach To Logistics

checking delivery packages
Cargo Assessment and Quote

Speak to our team to learn about the costs involved in shipping your cargo, choose whether you want FTL or LTL shipment, and if you require other value-added services


Learn all about our warehousing facilities and how you can avail them across different locations.

Documentation and Customs Clearance

Sugam offers exclusive services to help you with the documentation for taxation, customs clearance, and import/exports and permits for the end-to-end supply chain management.

Transportation & Delivery

Get real-time updates on the movement of your cargo with our Digital Dashboard and Notifications.

Sugam Advantage

Sugam Makes Logistic Easy

International Presence

A widespread network across India and the SAARC region to cater to growing industries. Branches that function 24 hours collecting & delivering cargo with speed & accuracy.

  • Real-time Fleet
  • Flexible shipping solutions
  • Expansive cargo network across all modes

sugam group,multimodal transportation, full truck load services, freight transport, air freight service, rail transportation services, ship transportation

90% Service Level

Sugam Group is a customer centric organization. We believe in delivering the best solutions to our clients with constant support.

  • Customized solutions
  • Single-window services
  • Digitized Services
  • Proactive customer service team

bestlogistic provider

Min Shortage & Pilferage

Our fleet aims to deliver cargo in ‘as good as it was collected’ state and take all necessary measures to keep the cargo protected.

  • Control room consignments security.
  • GPS tracking for entire fleet.
  • Secure shipment for high value and Delicate Cargo.


Values Added Services

Sugam Group is committed to customer satisfaction. Our customers can make payment on delivery and receive electronic proof Immediately.

transportation company

Fulfilling Requirements Seamlessly - Happy Clients

What Our Client Says